Genesis Parent Portal Westwood NJ

The Amazing Genesis Parent Portal for Westwood, NJ Families

Genesis parent portal Westwood NJ As a parent support, you want to know how your child is doing in school. You want to celebrate their successes and help them improve in areas where they are struggling. Genesis Parent Portal lets you stay super involved and informed about your students’ education.. Let’s take a closer look!

What is the Genesis Parent Portal Westwood NJ?

The Genesis Parent Portal is a special website used by schools in Westwood, New Jersey. Once you create an account and log in, you can see really important information about your child, including:

  • Their schedule of classes
  • Homework assignments and due dates
  • Grades for every class
  • Comments from their teachers
  • Days they were absent or tardy

Having all of this information online makes it so easy to help your child succeed. You can view it anytime, anywhere from your computer, tablet or phone.

Getting Started on Genesis

Setting up your Genesis account is quick and simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to Genesis website
  2. Click “Register New User”
  3. Enter the Access ID and Password from your child’s school
  4. Create your username and password

If you get stuck, just ask the friendly office staff at your child’s school. They can help you login or reset your password.

Once you’re in, you’ll see the homepage with all your child’s classes and current grades. Click on any class for even more details.

Tracking Assignments and Grades

In the Genesis portal, you can view every homework assignment, project, quiz and test for each subject. This allows you to:

  • See what work is due and when
  • Check which assignments are missing or incomplete
  • Review grades on every assignment, test, etc.
  • Read feedback comments from the teacher

You can even choose to get email notifications if your child’s grade falls below a certain number that you set. That way you’ll know right away if they need some extra help.

Messaging Teachers is Easy

Sometimes you might have questions about an assignment or grade. Or maybe you need to let the teacher know your child will be absent. With Genesis, you can send messages directly to your child’s teachers.

The teachers will get your message right away in their Genesis inbox. And you’ll be able to see when they read it and respond. No more waiting for office staff to pass along notes!

Using the Genesis messaging system makes it simple to open the lines of communication between parents and teachers.

A Parent’s Role on Genesis

While Genesis gives you all the tools and information, you as the parent still have an important role to play:

  1. Set up a quiet space and regular time for homework
  2. Review assignments nightly and re-explain concepts
  3. Praise your child’s efforts and achievements
  4. Quickly address any issues or missing work

The portal allows you to closely monitor your child’s performance. But you provide the guidance, support and motivation at home that is key to their academic growth.

Genesis in Westwood Schools

The Westwood Regional School District has used the Genesis Parent Portal for over 5 years across all their schools:

  1. Westwood Jr/Sr High School
  2. Westwood Regional Middle School
  3. Berkeley Avenue Elementary
  4. Brookside Elementary
  5. Washington Elementary

The district hosts meetings to teach parents how to use Genesis. Many Westwood parents say it helps them feel connected to their child’s daily learning.

Maximizing the Genesis Experience

To get the most out of the Genesis Parent Portal:

Use the mobile apps for iOS and Android to stay connected on-the-go.

Link multiple accounts if you have more than one child in the district.

Bookmark the URL for quick access: Genesis website

Enable notifications so you never miss a grade update or teacher message.

With a few simple tricks, the portal becomes an invaluable part of your parent involvement routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the data secured and private? A: Yes, Genesis uses robust security measures to protect student information. Only you and school staff can access your child’s records.

Q: What if I have multiple children in different schools? A: No problem! You can link all your children to a single parent account, even across different schools.

Q: How often is the portal updated with new data? A: Teachers are expected to update grades and information weekly at a minimum. Many update even more frequently.


The Genesis Parent Portal puts the power in your hands as a parent to actively monitor and support your child’s education journey. By taking a few minutes each week to log in, you can:

  • Celebrate learning achievements
  • Identify areas that need more support
  • Facilitate open communication with teachers
  • Reinforce positive study habits at home

Westwood Regional School District is committed to engaging parents as partners. The Genesis portal is a valuable resource – be sure to take full advantage!

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